Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Newbery Experiences at ALA!

Imagine-no squirrels!
Maurice gently suggested that I blog about the recent ALA conference in D.C. and talk about the Newbery festivities. This is actually a good suggestion, and one can't say "no" to Maurice!

In any case, being on the 2007 Newbery Committee was a highlight of my career as a children's librarian (and I still consider myself a children's librarian even though I am now in administration). Once a children's librarian, always a children's librarian! The year reading, thinking, and agonizing over hundreds of books was one of the most physically, intellectually, and emotionally difficult tasks I have yet undertaken. And yes, I would probably do it again (but don't tell my husband!).

The culmination of the year was the annual conference, where we were able to reconnect with Newbery committee members, buy a new fancy dress (red, of course, in honor of "Lucky"), and share the celebration with publishers and other librarians. The photo above was taken in the VIP suite at the Hilton before the banquet. I am in the back row in a red dress. (When one is tall, she is ALWAYS in the back row!). It helps to enlarge the photo. The Newbery Medal and Honor winners are in front row and second row. Cynthia Lord, author of "Rules", is in a long light green dress standing next to my left. Jennifer Holm, author of "Penny from Heaven", is sitting in the front row in a long, white chiffon dress. Kirby Larson, author of "Hattie Big Sky" is at the far left side, second row, in a very cute and stylish short brown dress. Susan Patron, Newbery author for "The Higher Power of Lucky" is sitting in the front row, dressed in black, third from the left.

Our festivities started Friday night as we met at a fellow Newbery committee member's house in Silver Spring for a festive dinner al fresco. It was fun to see everyone again, to compare notes, to see if we all looked more relaxed, etc.

Saturday we lunched with Scholastic and celebrated Cynthia Lord's Newbery Honor book "Rules". Table favors were little rubber ducks. (See the cover of the book in my LibraryThing favorites list on the right side of my blog). Cynthia was genuinely touched. "Rules" won both the Newbery Honor and the Schneider Family Book Award (an award honoring a children's book that accurately portrays the disabiltiy experience). Cynthia told us about her "Newbery" moment. She had been at the library with her son, and saw on a table a copy of "Charlotte's Web" and "The Cricket in Times Square". Both had a silver Newbery Honor label. She had to sit down (of course in a small children's room chair) as she was struck by the realization that her book would be joining the cannon of Newbery Honor books as well.

Members then rushed around exhibits, picked up galleys to read (yes, we are still reading), then rushed back to hotel rooms to get ready for dinner with Susan Patron. We ate at a French restaurant in honor off Brigitte. The restaurant was called Brasserie Les Halles. We toasted with wine, then ate a wonderful meal. Here is the menu:

Salade d'Auvergne (Organic Arugula, Apples, Roquefort Cheese and Roasted Walnuts)
Darne de Saumon Poche, Sauce Champagne (Poached Salmon filet, Champagne Sauce)
Tarte Fine aux Pommes, Clace au Caramel (Homemade apple tarte served with Caramel Ice-cream)
--Needless to say, after conference it is hard to come home to "normal" food!

Susan Patron gave a short speech and talked about her book. She called our committee "courageous" (if you haven't kept up with "scrotumgate", let me know). It was a simply smashing dinner.

We then walked over to a Listening Library/Simon & Schuster post-dinner party in honor of "The Higher Power of Lucky" in which we were "Celebrating the higher power in each of us and the importance of EVERY word". Yes, more wine flowed.

Sunday the celebrations continued. We had an intimate lunch with Random House honoring Jenni Holm and Kirby Larson. Jenni, who looked absolutely gorgeous, brought her newborn baby Millie May, who slept through the entire lunch. Kirby was very charming and chic, and talked about the writing process and the evolution of "Hattie Big Sky".

Off to a really interesting YALSA program on the Trends in YA Literature, then back to the Mayflower hotel to meet my family who arrived to help celebrate (I bought a table for my parents, daughter and boyfriend, husband, and family friends including Irmgarde!)

The Newbery Committee gathered in the VIP suite to mingle and toast each other, meet authors and publishers, etc. before the banquet. I sat at the Random House table with Kirby Larson and her husband, and I sat next to Judy Blume!!! She was very nice, and a bit shy. Her time was occupied by many people who came to talk to her during the course of the evening. During lulls I went back and visited by family, and was able to introduce them to Jenni, Kirby, and Sharyn November (who knew my daughter Kibby from a Books for the Beast conference years ago.) Audra Caplan also came by and said "hello".

The awards ceremony was very moving, and Susan Patron's speech was wonderful.

Oh-the red dress! Several of us wore red dresses in honor of "The Higher Power of Lucky" as a red dress plays prominently in the story. Read the book to find out why!

Ok, Maurice? How did I do?


HCPL Techincal Trainer said...

You did GREAT, Jennifer. I loved the post and the deatils.

HCPL Techincal Trainer said...

Now, all you have to do is go back and link to all of the authors, prizes and books in the post.