Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Week 7, Thing # 16: Wikis

In honor of the origin of the word "wiki" (it is Hawaiian), I decided to see what kind of squirrels live in Hawaii. They don't have any!!!! Hawaii is a squirrel-free state!!! What they have is an animal called the Indian Mongoose that is commonly called "the Hawaiian Squirrel". Now, is there ANY comparison? Look at the mug on that guy! I maintain that Hawaii has nothing on the other 49 states in terms of cute squirrels. I for one would never live there.

Ok-on to Wikis.

I liked the St. Joseph County Public Library "" site. The subject guide was cool, and I noticed that it was closed for any editing-only librarians can edit and a staff password is required. On the page was a link called "Talk to the Library". It gave access to an entire page with different ways for users to communicate with the library: email, IM, link to a library blog, or email reference.

The BookloversWiki from Princeton was also really cool. Instead of a blog, they decided to create a Wiki for people to talk/write about books. There was a really good FAQ page that very clearly answered all sorts of questions. This is a really neat idea. It was a project for the 2006 Summer Reading Program. Maybe we can build one for the 2007 Winter Reading participants?

This Wiki below is a cool one. It is called Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki. It was designed to help librarians not have to reinvent the wheel, and to get ideas and inspiration from others. Take a look.

Here is the ALSC Wiki (ALA Association for Library Service to Children).

I think that we might want to try a similar Wiki to the BookLoversWiki for Winter Reading. I also like the idea of subject guides. This might be an interesting collaborative project with teachers: to make a homework Wiki, with resources for students. Both librarians and teachers could work on it.

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