Friday, June 8, 2007

Week 1, Thing # 2: Pointers from Lifelong Learners

Whew! The online tutorial was only 14 minutes long, but has really made me think. I have been a lifelong learner all my life. I can't remember a time when I was not reading, making something, learning something, or wishing I could learn something. Just living is a constant learning experience. I am never bored. After the tutorial, I thought about which Habit is the easiest for me, and which the most difficult. I would have to say (and it's a good thing I am taking the Library 2.0 journey) that "Habit #6: Use Technology to your advantage" is the most difficult for me. It is not difficult because I can't learn technology, but because I often don't want to take the time to learn the technology that might make things easier. I don't think it is laziness, exactly, but perhaps a lack of confidence that I can learn it or understand it in a timely manner. (This comes close to "Habit #4: Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner".) I don't have this issue with other learning opportunites, however. Probably the easiest habit is "Habit #2: Accept Responsibility for your own learning". I do take learning seriously, and have never had a problem with self-education. The Habit that I would like to embrace is "Habit 71/2: Play". I feel that I need to have more fun at work. I am going to ponder this idea for some time.

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